You might be thinking of becoming a Kids Yoga Teacher or possibly you already are and are wanting to broaden your skills and dive a little deeper. Our Kids Yoga Teacher Training program has been thriving throughout North America for several years now and we LOVE sharing our passion with others.
We have put together some of the top FAQ’s we get asked and have given you the answers you need!
1. Do I need to be a yoga teacher to participate?
You don’t need to be a yoga teacher to participate in our Little Lotus Yoga Kids Teacher Training. No formal yoga experience is required.
How do I register?You can register at https://www.momoyoga.com/littlelotusyoga/lesson/6959352/kids-yoga-teacher-training
2. What is the time commitment to the training?
Our Little Lotus Kids Yoga Teacher Training is 16 hours in length. 12 hours are “in person” live online training and 4 hours are self study. The in person training will be broken down over 4 evenings, 3 hours each.
3. Will I be able to teach once I am finished the training?
YES! For those who want to start teaching yoga to children will have the knowledge, skills and information to start teaching right away. Please know that this is to YOUR comfort level. We know that some will want to take some more time to absorb the information and practice.
4. I am an ECE and interested in learning how to bring mindfulness tools to my classroom. Is this training for me?
This is a great way to learn the tools, access to the resources, and information needed to implement yoga into your classroom! Whether you want to offer a stand alone daily/weekly yoga class, looking for ways to incorporate yoga and mindfulness into your programming and transitions you will leave this training with new skills and knowledge.
5. I would like to learn some new things to bring into our home to help my children. What will I learn that will be helpful for me and my family?
This training focuses on teaching yoga to children ages 2-12. You will learn yoga asana (postures/movement), breathing techniques for calming and mindfulness, incorporating meditation into your day and ways to encourage emotional regulation and to have fun through physical activity.

6. What do I need to start teaching yoga to kids?
All you need is a willingness to learn, a passionate heart and the desire to facilitate learning with and for children. You will learn about different props and activities that may require minimal equipment that you may wish to have on hand to incorporate into your classes but all you need is the desire to learn!
7. Can I get CEU’s by participating in this training?
Yes! This training offers 16 hours of non-contact CEU’s and during covid you can also use this training as 12 hours of “in person” training since this training is done live (note- this is a special circumstance that Yoga Alliance is making for a lot of their trainings during Covid-19).
8. Will this training differ than your in person training?
This training is the exact same as our “in person” training that we have been offering for over 5 years now throughout North America. You will receive all the same, action packed, knowledge empowering information!
8. Will I get a certificate upon completion?
Yes! You will receive a certificate of completion upon completing the course.
9. What is your refund policy?
Once you are registered for this training they are no refunds or course transfers.
Have other questions?
Send us an email! We would LOVE to chat with you! info@littlelotusyoga.ca